Manager Never Listens
Is is true? I think YES. Manager never listens. Problem is manger thinks he reached at this position because of his right decisions in past. His mind always speaks about his success over his subordinate.
He feels happy when he sees people are coming with problems. And he thinks this is simple problem and can be solved anytime, his reaction is that he has understood correctly and solves the problem in minutes but after weeks of weeks he never reacts.
In my past 12 years of experience, What I realize that employess don't want to sit with their bosses because first reason "Manager Never Listens" and Second "Manager always speaks about his success".
Most of the time you realize that Managers are either very happy or very sad. They are never in-between. It means, they are not normal/natural, they are acting in their life. If they have some work from anyone, they start asking about family members, their problems and so on... And as soon as work is done, their reaction is all together different. They think, no one should come to meet him. Because in their mind, second thing is running that work is done and people may ask for party or increment. So they always avoid meetings after work is done.
These days, even you go to manager and ask for more work their reaction is different, they start thinking, more work, more dependency, and more salary hike so to avoid this situation, they think better to say OK LET ME THINK or make a presentation WHAT ELSE YOU CAN DO . And these four/five words you can listen in all manager's cubical.